What Are The 3 Types Of Web Design?

What Are The 3 Types Of Web Design?

A skilled web designer has many tools at hand when it comes to designing a website. Not only that, but a website also involves the use of different types of web design. The 3 types of web design that many web designers incorporate involve static, dynamic, and responsive web design. Below, we discuss each of these and when they are used.

The Static Web Design

A static web design incorporates HTML code into the website to display web page content. As opposed to dynamic and responsive code, the code for static is fixed.

Static web design is incorporated a lot into websites that don’t need any updates or are for informational purposes only. Creating a static website is easy and requires a lot less maintenance than the dynamic and responsive web design.

The Dynamic Web Design

When you want a website that changes in accordance with input from a user, then the use of a dynamic web design will be integrated. This could include content that is user-generated, such as forums or comments. It may also involve the changes a website makes, such as the type of content that is displayed.

As a new field in web design, dynamic web design definition cannot be agreed upon. Regardless, there are some features that are commonly used within a dynamic web design that integrates PHP and other scripting languages and databases that will help create pages that are generated dynamically.

The Responsive Web Design

Using responsive web design, the web designer is able to design a site that is comfortably viewed and read without much need for scrolling or resizing when accessed from mobile devices.

The responsive web design is made up of more than one technology which allows the content to become dynamic and adaptable to any screen size that you want to view content from. So instead of having many versions created, there is only a single version of a website created that becomes viewable on any screen size.

Wrapping It Up

While there are many other web design methods available, the top 3 web designs used most commonly will be the static, dynamic, and responsive web design. Each one plays a particular role and offers distinct advantages over each other. This is why it is important to know what the website’s goals are so that the best web design can cater to its specific needs.